Sparq Plug

Preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

In the ever-changing world of social media, The Social Sparq Plug is your one-stop-shop for all things digital marketing. Each week, our online marketing team meets to discuss the latest trends and updates happening on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube, Pinterest and beyond.

We’ve aggregated the best creative and note-worthy news and campaigns from the past week. Here’s the hot take from the minds of online marketers!

Social Media Updates You Need To Know This Week

It’s important that we keep an ear to the ground to ensure our clients are always at the forefront of their industries. A goal of our weekly social meetings is to collect the past week’s updates across all platforms so we can update our strategies and stay quick on our feet. Here’s what’s happening this week:

3 Creative “Sparqs” To Get Your Imagination Flowing

As companies get their deals and coupon codes ready, they are also launching multimedia, omnichannel campaigns. This week, holiday marketing started to trickle in. Here are some of our favorite creative pieces from this week:

Our Marketing Term of the Week

Whether it be a whitepaper, video, downloadable, coupon code, or report that brings a lead to your landing page, you’re using something called a lead magnet to do it.

A lead magnet is an incentive you offer to a potential customer to get something from them in exchange. Using a term like this to describe an initiative you’re proposing to your client can garner more confidence in your suggested strategy.

Join us on Monday’s to hear what brands are ‘sparqing’ our creativity, how algorithms have changed, and the bullet points on what you need to change in your marketing strategy to get your clients the best return on their investment.

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