Sparq Plug

In the ever-changing world of social media, The Social Sparq Plug is your one-stop-shop for all things digital marketing. Each week, our online marketing team meets to discuss the latest trends and updates happening on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube, Pinterest and beyond.

We’ve aggregated the best creative and noteworthy news and campaigns from the past week. Here’s the hot take from the minds of our online marketers!

3 Social Media Updates You Need To Know This Week

Instagram leaked a design prototype that hides “likes” on posts. This could have a tremendous impact on influencers, who are judged by potential sponsors based on their rates of engagement. Facebook admits that they are working on an AI assistant right now. This artificial intelligence voice assistant could work in tandem with the Portal video calling device and their Oculus headsets. Ideally, this AI device would be Facebook’s efforts to catching up with Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft who already have AI voice assistants. Lastly, Amazon has officially launched a free music streaming platform. Their goal with this offering is to increase sales for their Alexa devices. This free service will be available to Alexa owners who don’t have Amazon Prime.

3 Creative “Sparqs” To Get Your Imagination Flowing

Through Donate Life California’s “Second Chances” effort, three California police departments participated in giving a Get Out of Jail Free Card to motorists who were pulled over [due to minor offenses] that are registered organ donors. This video/experiential campaign is a unique twist on the traditional PSA or informative video. The AdWeek article quoted Donate Life California’s statistics that “114,000 men, women and children are currently on donation waiting lists and that each organ donor can save up to eight lives.”

Bose launches its brand new audio sunglasses. Say whaaaat? Yes, you read that right. These are sunglasses that have built-in Bose speakers for a private, earbud-less audio experience. There are two styles of the sunglasses to choose from and they sell for about $200.00. Check it out. 

In honor of Earth Day, Apple launched an entirely user-generated video series that showcase the beauty and power of Mother Nature and her creatures. From charging animals to lava, to up-close hippo shots, you will be taken aback to know that all of the footage was shot with the iPhone XS. Take a minute to watch the video yourself.


Customers, which can include both individuals and brands, pay deck owners to retweet one or more of their tweets a specified number of times across deck member accounts. Some decks even allow customers temporary access to the deck, almost like a short-term subscription to unlimited deck retweets. Single retweets tend to cost around $5 or $10. Week- or monthlong subscriptions can cost several hundreds of dollars, depending on the deck’s popularity.

Join us on Monday’s to hear what brands are ‘sparqing’ our creativity, how algorithms have changed, and the bullet points on what you need to change in your marketing strategy to get your clients the best return on their investment.

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